Country: Bangladesh

Location: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 

10 Months

Name of Client: IMC, United Kingdom (UK)
Contact Person: Christopher Davies, MENg CENG MICE

Principal Consultant, Infrastructure – Water & Sanitation 

Mail: imc@imcworldwide.com

Start date (month/year): July 2019

Completion date (month/year): May 2020

Narrative description of Project:

Between 2011 and 2015, The Department for International Development (DFID) supported nonhumanitarian water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities benefiting an estimated 64,560,000 people in low and middle income countries eligible for Official Development Assistance.

Following this, Bangladesh was also chosen as one of the eligible countries and during that period, four major projects were implemented in Bangladesh namely BRAC SPA and UNICEF’s SHEWA B, CLP, and UPPR. Under the four projects in Bangladesh, 2,520,000 people gained sustainable acces to cleandrinking water sources and 6,320,000 people gained sustainable access to an improved sanitation facilities.

The main purpose of this assessment is to generate quality evidence about the outcomes of DFID’s

water and sanitation portfolio (2011-2015), assessing the sustainability of the water supply and sanitation services, and the effectiveness of the programmes with regard to targeting poor and vulnerable people.

The overall objective of this assessment is to generate quantitative and qualitative evidence about the outcomes of DFID’s WASH Portfolio (2011-2015), in particular addressing issues of sustainability and targeting, as these apply to domestic water supply and household sanitation in rural areas. The

assessment has three subsidiary objectives:

(1) To assess the availability and quality (completeness and reliability) of information relating to results achieved between 2011 and 2015

(2) To assess the sustainability of DFID funded rural water supply and sanitation services by establishing the proportion of people who still have access to water supply and sanitation facilities established with DFID funding between 2011 and 2015.

(3) To assess the underlying factors that have influenced sustainability and the extent that project interventions have engaged with and benefited poor and vulnerable people.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

  • Conduct evaluation survey
  • Assess the business indicators
  • Assess financial indicators
  • Support during Inception Period for identification of key documents and stakeholders
  • Collection of household survey data, Focus Group Discussions and Site Observations
  • Cleaning and preliminary analysis of the data
  • Inputs into a scoping mission report including stakeholder mapping
  • Inputs into the creation of country profile with narrative and evidence against each of the key indicators specified. 
  • Facilitation of Workshop