Country: Bangladesh 

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 16 Months 
Name of Client: The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)/ The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)Total No of staff-months of the assignment: 75 

Start date (month/year): 10 August, 2021 

Completion date (month/year): 31 December, 2022


Narrative description of Project:

This survey is aimed to collect necessary data and information for formulation of the energy data management system for Bangladesh, which requires making up of energy balance table, especially industry sector. The purpose of the survey is to classify the energy consumption of the industrial sector by subsectors:

Schedule-1: Collection and categorization of annual (for 12 months) retail energy data from gas, power, and oil companies. First, energy consumption data shall be categorized by sectors such as industry, transport, residential, commercial, and agriculture based on the username or information from energy supply companies. Next, energy consumption data in industrial sector shall be categorized by subsectors according to the IEA Statistics category. 

Schedule-2: Sample interview survey on energy consumption for energy-intensive factories. 

To verify existing data and to examine the future potential of energy efficiency and conservation in Bangladesh, Consultant will conduct an interview survey of some energy-intensive factories.

Schedule-3: Interview and collection of information from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Energy Distribution Companies, Regulatory Authorities and other related government and private stakeholders of high energy intensive or heavy industries according to IEEJ’s questionnaires. NVSL visited different government authorities, and related stakeholders to obtain necessary information instead of IEEJ Team according to IEEJ’s questionnaires. 

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

The Energy Consumption Survey included the following activities:

  • Devising research methodology and data capture instruments and data collection plan for projects;
  • Analyzing and visualize research findings and develop reports as required;
  • Maintaining regular communication with the client as well as internal stakeholders while managing the project;
  • Publishing articles, slide decks, concept notes, white papers on industry practice for relevant media;
  • Collection and categorization of annual (for 12 months) retail energy data from gas, power, and oil companies. – Establishing proper channel to collect data from different government organization.


The coordination activities included the following:

  • Visiting the project workspace according to IEEJ’s request
  • Assistance in setting up official meetings (JCC, SC, Report seminars, etc.)
  • Advice on primary energy supply and energy data management
  • Stationery procurement (purchase of printer toner, copy paper, SIM cards, etc.)
  • Support for safety check of the project workspace in Power Division by JICA Bangladesh Office
  • Support of data collection for IEEJ
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Since our foundation in 2008, we have worked with governmental agencies, foreign (and local) companies, and development organizations and undertaken complex projects across a wide range of sectors including energy, transportation, water & sanitation, agriculture & environment, and industrial and institutional.
