Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 2 Months
Name of Client: JETRO
Contact Person: Yuji Ando


Start date (month/year): July 2018

Completion date (month/year): August 2018

Narrative description of Project:

The primary objective of the Study is to do study works relating to the scope as described below in order to explore the possibility and feasibility for new entrants in the LPG market of Bangladesh and to grasp the overview of the market.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

The total demand for engine oils (for cars and trucks) consumed in Bangladesh.

How used engine oils are disposed in Bangladesh

Whether engine oils are ranked as flammable or dangerous products in

Bangladesh. If ranked, what kind of license is necessary for the transportation and the

storage of used engine oils.

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