The objective of the market study was to carry out the overview of long steel products in Bangladesh and assessing potentiality for a new entrant.

Targeted long steel products of the study:

  1. Rebar
  2. Angle
  3. Channel

Research Questions:

Research Questions:

  1. Total domestic demand in Bangladesh for Rebar, Angle and Channel by grades/sizes for the past 10 years.
  2. Total domestic production in Bangladesh for Rebar, Angle and Channel by grades/sizes the past 10 years.
  3. 10 year forecast for Rebar, Angle and Channel domestic demand by grades/sizes.
  4. 10 year forecast for Rebar, Angle and Channel domestic production by grades/sizes.
  5. List of domestic mills for Rebar, Angle and Channel and type of furnace (EAF, Blast Furnace or Induction Furnace).
  6. The capacity and actual production of each domestic mills for each products by grades/sizes.
  7. Products and capacity expansion plan of each domestic mills.
  8. Past 3 years financial information of top 10 mills by capacity (if available)
  9. 10 years import statistics of Rebar, Angle and Channel.
  10. Domestic scrap supply statistics.
  11. Scrap import statistics.
  12. Production Cost analysis – cost or ratio of electricity, labor, raw material, capex etc. to produce 1 MT of steel
  13. What is the import duty (or other safeguard measures) for rebar, angle and channel.

Respondents for the Market Research

A total of 30 to 40 interviews were conducted with key stakeholders at different cities of Bangladesh mainly in Dhaka and Chittagong as the majority of the mills are located in these areas for getting the real picture of the market. Other than millers we have also interviewed retailers, wholesalers, dealers, and end-users of long steel products. General sectary of Bangladesh Auto Re-rolling and steel mills association (BARSMA) also helped us with industry insights.

Our Approaches:

Phase 1

  • Review of government publications, trade and industry journals.
  • Identified major steel millers for the study.
  • Prepared survey tools.

Phase 2

Both Primary and Secondary research tools are used in this phase.

  1. For primary research: Face to face interview was conducted with farmers, retailers, dealers, government officials, importers, manufacturers, and industry stakeholders.
  2. For secondary research: Government publications, rules and guidelines, government gazettes, and other official documents were thoroughly examined. Import data for fertilizer were also analyzed to understand the supply chain and identify the key market players.
  3. Forecasting: Straight line forecasting method has been used throughout the study. In this method, we have not taken the growth rate as constant. We have calibrated the growth rate throughout different years depending on the economic condition, agriculture system, demand for agricultural foods.

Phase 3

  • The primary analysis of the survey was shared with the client to get feedback.
  • The analysis was harmonized with the client’s feedback.
  • Based on the client’s accord final report was submitted.

Result of the Study:

The market research has found that the demand for long steel has been increasing at a significant rate. In 2018 the market size was 5.5 million MT from Rebar 2,00,000 MT for angel and channel and the market was growing at around 7%.

BSRM, AKS, KSRM, Rahim Steel, GPH ispat are the leading market players of the industry capturing almost 75% of the market in 2018.

Mega projects like, Padma Bridge, Roopur nuclear power plant, 100 Special economic zones (SEZs), Roads and highways works and other government project are the main driver of this industry. Depending on the projects millers are very optimistic about the industry.

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