Country: Bangladesh
Name of Client: UNDP Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Start date (month/year): October, 2021 

Completion date (month/year): December, 2021

Narrative description of Project:

The overall objective of the assignment “Study on Exploring Student Perspective on Micro-credentials” is to explore the behavior, attitudes and insights of potential students regarding the micro-credentials as well as to determine rationale of the micro-credentials and the characteristics that impress the students. 

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

Qualitative Exploration:

  • Qualitative research focused on student (CSE/IT/ICT disciplines) perspectives 
  • Assessing the current state of Bangladesh student’s engagement with major online education platforms 
  • Analyzing the skill sets and skill gaps of university students in Bangladesh 
  • Preparing a review of skill-requirements for high value BPO services and analyzing student perspective regarding the necessary skills
  • Reviewing existing relevant the policies and programs on online learning and micro-credentials in Bangladesh.
  • Organizing 5 (five) focus groups among students of public and private universities 
  • Conducting 10 (ten) in-depth interviews (IDIs) among students of public and private universities

Quantitative Survey:

  • Arranging a university-level student survey with at least 1000 students from around 30 or more public and private universities 
  • Developing a questionnaire for the survey 
  • Designing data collection methods/approach, checklists, and other data collection tools

Study Report:

Recommending appropriate mechanisms/interventions to address the skills gap amongst the workforce utilizing micro-credentials 

Developing a set of specific policy recommendations to address the skill gaps and to build skilled human resources for the BPO industry 

Preparing a draft study report 

Developing a Final Report

Providing supporting infographics on related data and analysis

Link to the Project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1htJs0VBLUa6wP4RtVx4C7RfQDJzDU9jO/view