Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 29 Months
Name of Client: JAPAN CLEAN SYSTEM co., ltd.
Contact Person: Masataka YAMANO, Project Team Leader / Managing Director of JCS


Start date (month/year): 31st July , 2018

Completion date (month/year): 31th, December, 2021

Narrative description of Project:

JCS conducted business feasibility study in Bangladesh (in Dhaka and Chittagong) for approximately one year. In the initial stage, JCS intends to manufacture J-Drum in Japan and export to Bangladesh. In order to improve the quality and sustainability of service as well as its cost competitiveness, JCS assigned NVSL to conduct surveys for seeking qualified business partners in Bangladesh.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

General Tasks

  • Mobilization of survey works shall commence immediately after signing of the contract. 
  • Prepare a work plan for the all survey works within I week after mobilization. Work plan is subject to JCS’s approval.
  • Maintain close and regular communication through emails, phone calls, mobile communication apps, web-meetings.
  • Progress report meeting at least once in every 2 weeks through web-meeting.

Task 1: Marketing Survey
Task 1-1: Prepare a work plan for the marketing survey within 1 week after mobilization. Prepare a list of at least 100 companies/facilities in Dhaka city and adjacent areas, and 40 companies/facilities in Chittagong city who meet the criteria specified below within 3 weeks after mobilization.
Task 1-2: Visit and conduct interviews with approximately 30 companies, which will be selected from the long list by JCS. Questionnaire will be provided by JCS. Submit a draft report of the visited companies and facilities within 2 months after mobilization.Task 1-3: Coordinate and attend tele-meetings with the companies, which will be selected by JCS based on outcome of Task 1-1, Task 1-2. Assist JCS to obtain additional information by inquiring to the companies. Submit a Market survey report within 4 months after mobilization.

Task 2: Secondary Transfer Stations Survey
Task 2-1: Make or obtain a list and a map of Secondary Transfer Stations (STS) of Dhaka city (a list may be provided by DSCC, DNCC or ADB) and of Chittagong city. Prepare a work plan for the marketing survey within 1 week after mobilization. Should any permission from the municipalities be required, JCS shall communicate with relevant personnel of the municipalities for obtaining permission.
Task 2-2: For extended survey, NVSL coordinated JCS team’s visit to STSs in Dhaka and Chittagong (approximate total of 10 days). STSs will be selected by JCS based on the draft report prepared in Task 2-1. Schedule of JCS’s visit to Dhaka and Chittagong is yet to be determined due to Covid 19. In case JCS is unable to travel to Dhaka, NVSL performed the extended survey on behalf of JCS. NVSL conducted field survey using a questionnaire (provided by JCS), and recorded the visuals (video and photos) of the STSs. 

Task 2-3: Supplemental field visits to selected 5 to 10 STSs in Dhaka for obtaining additional and detailed information may be necessary. Additional survey work may include night visit to STSs. Findings from Task 2-2 as well as the additional visits performed in Task 2-3 shall be incorporated into the STS report. The contractor shall submit STS report within 6 months (subject to change due to JCS’s travel restriction to Bangladesh) after mobilization.

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