Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Dhaka

Duration of assignment (months):  2 Months
Name of Client: JDC Corporation/ JICA
Contact Person: Mr. Masaaki Kusano, Senior Managing Executive Officer CTO


Start date (month/year): April 15 ,2019 

Completion date (month/year): June 15, 2019

Narrative description of Project:

This study examined the viability of a large commercial building that is going to build on top of an underground electric sub-station in Dhaka city. A regression-based forecasted model helped to work out future commercial rent and other associated parameters.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

NVSL provided services regarding the feasibility study to install the underground electric substations at Gulshan and Kawran Bazar in Dhaka, Bangladesh being sponsored by the local electric distributors with assistance of, among others, Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA) ; and additionally, NVSL provided the following services:

(a) To locate and introduce right local partner of JDC which acted as a local primary contractor for the Projects by, among others, procuring relevant regulatory permission, local labor force, machines and other equipment required to complete civil engineering works for the Projects in cooperation with JDC.

(b) To provide advisory assistance to JDC for the promotion of the collaboration with the Local Partner in the optimal manner toward the completion of the Projects.

(c) To provide any other advice and assistance to JDC which are useful to achieve the successful completion of the Projects.

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