Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 10 Months
Name of Client: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO Dhaka Office)
Contact Person: Yuji Ando


Start date (month/year): 23rd May, 2017

Completion date (month/year): 30th March, 2018

Narrative description of Project: To support Japanese companies enter the BOP/Volume Zone market by appointing Coordinator who has a local entity, either a corporation or individual, with extensive knowledge and network of contacts in the local market to help collect information, arrange visits and to respond to wide range of requirements which emerge at various stages of business development to further enhance their business opportunity.
Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

Provided support for individual companies and cases designated by JETRO. Duties and responsibilities include, but not limited to, the following:

a. Spot Survey: Conducted survey on specific market, regulation, business/living environment prescribed below as instructed by JETRO, by the date designated by JETRO. Conducting surveys regarding;

(i) Market prices of the products and services

(ii) Related legal regulations

(iii) Statics data

(iv) Others not listed above. The Contractor shall be requested to collect the relevant information upon JETRO’s request.

b. Identifying Potential Partners

(i) a. Identifying potential partners for Japanese company as directed by JETRO

 The Contractor, shall commence the search prescribed below immediately after receiving instruction from JETRO.

  • Preliminary survey on and identification of potential partners.
  • Identifying approximately 10 local potential partners/companies.
  • Acquiring feedback from potential partners in the local market regarding the products and services designated by JETRO.

(i) b. Acquiring feedback from potential partners in the local market regarding the products and services designated by JETRO.

  • Acceptability on the products and services: proposal and advices on the necessary product modification, suitability for market potential.
  • Affordability for the potential customers regarding the price.
  • Proposal and advices to set up and expand the sales channels.
  • Other information perceived necessary by potential partners.

(ii) Arranging meetings with potential partners as approved by JETRO

  • Taking appointments and preparing meetings
  • Attending meetings and reporting to JETRO
  • Arranging logistics such as accommodations, domestic transportation and interpreting for Japanese companies’ business trip.

c. Support for start-ups with test marketing

Arranging, implementing, support implementing and providing follow-ups on test marketing (focus group interviews, sampling surveys, etc.) by Japanese companies that has business ideas regarding a specific product, technology, or services.

d. Briefing on BOP/Volume Zone market for individual Japanese companies Provide information on the country to Japanese companies visiting the country, as designated by JETRO.

e. Preparation for JETRO staffs visit to the country.

Conduct pre-visit surveys, arranging and attending meetings as designated by JETRO.

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