Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Mirsharai, Chattogram

Duration of assignment (months): 3 Months
Name of Client: Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA)

Contact Person: Dr. Shoichi Kobayashi


Start date (month/year): 10th September 2020

Completion date (month/year): 30th October 2020

Narrative description of Project:

Mirsarai Ocean-Front Economic Zone (MOFEZ) & Energy Hub and Bulk Terminal Project in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpa Nagar (BSMSN) was proposed by the Consortium of Japan Development Institute (JDI), Sojitz, and Energypac. The Consortium will lead the proposed development in the coastal belt of the Mirsarai area in Chittagong, Bangladesh. MoU signing ceremony, between Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) and the Consortium, took place on 21st October 2018 in Mirsarai. JDI has engaged NVSL and Esolve International in July 2019 for the undertaking of site survey and designing of Plot # 22 of BSMSN. Esolve International will be working closely with JDI’s local partner, NewVision for the development of Plot # 22. NVSL and Esolve were also assigned with proposing an access road for plot #22, considering the JDI requirement and also the BEZA master plan for the access road.

A port will be constructed along with the JDI’s plot #22. So, for the better movement of heavy vehicles and avoiding the congestion on Sheikh Hasina Avenue an access road along with rail is required for that zone.

Scope of work for the access route:

  • Reconnaissance Survey for the access route;
  • Find the best route through the analysis of Google earth images that accept the lowest number of settlements;
  • Physical Route Survey to understand the feasibility, effectiveness, and efficiency of the proposed access route;
  • Drawings the route on Map: After the reconnaissance survey & Physical route survey, physical survey report, and Topographic survey report preparation;
  • Report preparation on the access road;

Project outcome: 

1. Project planning and survey design;

2. Data and information collection;

3. Identify the existing route in the project site;

4. A detailed drawing including land parcel information;

5. Data analysis and report writing;

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

NewVision’s appointed engineers/experts deployed a topographic survey team to conduct the topographic survey adjacent to the proposed road area. The staff of NVSL took the raw data in the digital platform (AutoCAD and GIS) after getting back from the survey team. The expert and the NVSL staff then analyzed the best possible route for the access road and also the number of conflict households and other conflict points were also demarcated in the GIS platform. Then, the final drawing of the access route was fixed considering the whole data set.

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