Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Saidpur, Nilphamari

Duration of assignment (months): 2 Months
Name of Client: SKS Foundation
Contact Person: Md. Saiful Alam

Email: sksgaibandba@tistaonline.coni

Start date (month/year): 11 September 2019

Completion date (month/year): 10 November 2019

Narrative description of Project:

The objective of this study is to develop a business plan and business development strategy for Faecal Sludge Management in Saidpur Municipality. WaterAid, SKS Foundation and Saidpur -Municipality implement an FSM service which provide mechanical pit emptying and transportation service to the households with a fee. Sludge is transported to a treatment plant located within the town, treated and converted to organic manure with an intention to sell in the open market for the use in agriculture. The study will analyses different components of the whole service to develop the business plan and business strategy.

In particular, it will also provide critical inputs regarding the scope of a comprehensive faecal sludge management model for Saidpur Municipality and marketing of the end products generated from faecal sludge. The overall objective of this assignment is to provide recommendation and develop a business model for sustainable FS management considering the following issues:

  • The levels of affordability.
  • Willingness to pay by the municipality
  • Market promotion strategy of end-product from FS
  • Social aspects of the FSM plants and the overall system added to the city sanitation system as well.
  • Focus on time requirement for the plant to be sustainable in terms of operation i.e. projection of year wise proportion of sustainahility.
Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

  • Review of existing baseline study report on faecal sludge management for Saidpur municipality
  • Review of existing design of faecal sludge treatment system for the Saidpur municipality
  • Review the existing business modality of FSTP in Bangladesh
  • study and determine existing FS emptying practices and services
  • Review and determine the actual cost of services for safe emptying and transportation
  • Assess service charge options including fees and taxes to be collected from customers and emptying/tfansportation providers (in case of private operators)
  • Assess different options for separate tariff systems for vacutug services and for different consumer types
  • Develop pricing and tariff options and evaluate the impact of each option on the consumer as well as the viability of the FSM services;
  • Review and identify of reuse interest of end-product from fecal sludge recommend innovative incentive mechanism to ensure the affordability of services and develop sustainable business model.
  • Organize and conduct Validation Workshops with different stakeholders
  • Finalize the business model incorporating feedback from validation workshop and finalize the report
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