Country: Bangladesh

Location within Country: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chattogram, Khulna and Sylhet Division

Duration of assignment (months): 4 Months
Name of Client: 

Donor/Funded by: JETRO Bangladesh

Start date (month/year): May 2018

Completion date (month/year): August 2018

Narrative description of Project:

This report was about ‘Agriculture and Agricultural Machinery Market scenario in Bangladesh’. It depicted the scenario of agriculture-the lifeline for the economy of Bangladesh; and agricultural machinery and equipment-both imported and locally made- usage and market state, tax, total number of machineries by category in use and traded in Bangladesh was studied.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

The study majorly covered the agriculture and agriculture machinery market of Bangladesh. The scope of the study was:

(a) Overview of agricultural sector in Bangladesh; Agriculture Situation, Population and Land Uses in the sector.

(b) Market analysis of agricultural machinery and equipment; Equipment for Soil cultivation, Equipment for Planting, Equipment for Fertilizing & Pest Control, Equipment for Harvesting / post-harvest, Equipment for Hay making, Equipment that don’t fall in any of the categories mentioned above. 

(c) Marketing strategy and distribution mechanism of agriculture machinery in Bangladesh;

(d) Government Policy and support to agriculture; National agriculture policy, Subsidy, Testing Institutes, Import Policy.

(e) Profiling of major market player; dominated company, importer, manufacturer and government agency.