Country: Bangladesh

Location: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 

5 Months

Name of Client: Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Japan (J-Power)/ JICA
Contact Person: Hiroyuki Uehara, Chief Manager

Planning & Administration Office


Start date (month/year): May 2014

Completion date (month/year): November  2014

Narrative description of Project:

The government of Japan, in response to the request of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), as part of the countermeasure for Bangladesh’s energy supply crisis and climate change mitigation, executed a project, for the implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) in Bangladesh. The paper for the first subcontract reports on the appliance market, present degree of penetration and puts forth a projection of electricity consumption in the residential sector to 2030 based on household appliance ownership rates, parameterized according to econometric variables.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

Firstly, NVSL reported on the appliance market, present degree of penetration and puts forth a projection of electricity consumption in the residential sector to 2030 based on household appliance ownership rates, parameterized according to econometric variables.

Secondly, the ‘Development of EE&C Master Plan of Bangladesh’ measured the patterns of ownership of appliances and equipment and measured electricity consumption at the appliance level from different stakeholders. The report also presents the survey results of participants from various segments of society about the participants’ EE&C awareness and opinion on policy. The content of the research is intended for drafting the framework for EE&C policies such as energy management systems, labeling systems, building codes, and the finance system.

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