Country: Bangladesh

Location: Rangpur, Dinajpur, Barisal, Khulna, Rajshahi Division and Haor areas

Duration of assignment (months): 

5 Months

Name of Client: OXFAM Bangladesh
Start date (month/year): January 2015

Completion date (month/year): June 2015

Narrative description of Project:

This study was undertaken to identify ways in which the private sector can get involved in enterprise development with Oxfam along with assessing MSME financing and investment challenges and to define possible programmatic interventions to promote inclusive growth. The study reviewed the regulatory framework (including the industrial policy) for priority agribusiness subsectors in a holistic manner and suggested hosts/partners that can be leveraged for development while prioritizing areas for streamlining.

Objectives of the Assignment:

The overall objective of the assignment was to find out possible potential sectors, partners and influencing factors through which EDP can be implemented and create more employment and entrepreneurship.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

The specific objectives of this research were:  

1. Find out the ways to be involved with the private sectors in enterprise development where Oxfam can get the scope to develop the poor women and men as small-scale entrepreneurs.

2. Find out the subsectors focusing on agricultural and food processing and their potential in terms of economic growth, benefiting poor farmers, women and adapting to climate risks;

3. Find out the potential emerging enterprises of the mentioned subsectors, categorize them and identify the areas of improvement and interventions.

4. Review the MSME financing challenges of the financial providers and investment and way to overcome it.

5. Create profiles of emerging enterprises of the mentioned subsectors. 

6. Find out key policies, government programmes, and agencies on enterprise development and women’s enterprises