Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Cox’s Bazar, Chittagong

Duration of assignment (months): 5 Months
Name of Client: International Development Center of Japan Inc. (IDCJ)

Contact Person: Atsushi Saito, Team Leader of JICA

Survey Team


Start date (month/year): May 20, 2015

Completion date (month/year): September 15, 2015

Narrative description of Project:

The objective of this study is to collect basic information for a new deep sea port development in Cox’z bazaar area and also to conduct basic study related to the development of a new deep sea port. The study area covers the coastal area of Southern Chittagong region in Chittagong and Cox’z Bazar district, including Kutubdia, Matarbari, Moheshkhali and Sonadia.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

1. Base study on the port sector of Bangladesh

a) Information collection on the conditions of existing and under-development ports at Chittagong, Mongla, Payra, Pangaon and other river ports around Dhaka area

Below information shall be collected and summarized by the Consultant:

  • Length, depth and width of navigational channel
  • Berth length and depth
  • Terminal yard area
  • List of handling equipments and their conditions
  • Types of cargo handled and cargo volume statistics in the past 10 years
  • Volume and frequency of maintenance dredging works
  • Organization structure of port management including number of staff
  • Financial status of the port in the past 10 years

b) Information collection on the port development plans (Chittagong, Mongla)

c) Information collection necessary for the demand forecast for bulk and container cargoes including the review of Sonadia Port Feasibility Study

d) Analysis of transport capacity of existing road, rail and inland waterway between Chittagong and Dhaka or other major cities

e) Information collection on existing survey drawings (topographic and bathymetric maps) Information collection on existing natural and social environment around the survey area

g) Support in preparing the digital map/base drawings necessary for port planning

h) Study of possible vessel size for the new deep sea port based on the analysis of international shipping market

i) Review of Sonadia Port Development FS report with particular attention to the natural environment impact

2. Study of Natural/Environmental conditions for the proposed deep sea ports location

The target location will be maximum 3 locations within the survey area and it will be instructed by the international port planning expert of the Joint Venture. Basically the study shall be based on the existing reports/data/documents but if necessary and instructed, site reconnaissance survey shall be done. The following information shall be summarized:

  • Climate and Oceanographic Condition (wind, wave, tide. tidal currents cyclone, surge, etc)
  • Geological condition including earthquake
  • Topographic and bathymetric condition
  • Hydrological condition (river flow, sedimentation, calmness of the target port area etc)
  • Natural environment (fauna and frora, ECA, important species etc)
  • Social environment (land use type, location and number of habitats etc)

3.3. Support on the pre-feasibility study including preliminary design of target deep sea port (industrial port as well as container port)

  • The target location will be maximum 3 locations within the survey area and it \\ ill be instructed by the international port planning expert of JICA Survey Team.
  • Investigation of availability of construction material such as reclamation soil/sand, stone, aggregate etc around the study area. With reference to the reclamation soil/sand, possibility of using the material from the hill in Moheshkhaki island could be one of the options. The investigation should include available area and amount of soil, type of soil, necessary permission of cutting the hill for construction purpose, the price of the land etc. In case the material from the hill is already being used as construction material, the type and capacity of equipment as well as the production rate shall also be investigated.
  • Produce the drawings as per the given instructions including port layout, navigational channel, typical structure drawings, access road and rail
  • Preparation of Preliminary Cost Estimate
  • Preparation of Preliminary Implementation Schedule
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