Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-2019
Based on SDG achievements, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung ranked countries, European nations are right on their path to achieve global goals.
The Sustainable Development Report 2019 presents the SDG Index and Dashboards for all UN member states and frames the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of six broad transformations.

Bangladesh is also showing progress to achieve the goals. According to the Sustainable Development Report Dashboards 2019, Bangladesh has shown remarkable growth in Goal-1: No poverty, Goal-8 Decent work, and Goal-13: Climate action and is on track to achieve the goal by 2030. Scores are also increasing in Goal-2: Zero Hunger, Goal-3: Good health and wellbeing Goal-6: Clean water and sanitation, and Goal-11: Sustainable cities and communities. Bangladesh needs to give more emphasis on other goals as current efforts are not up to the mark.

SDGs Achievement Among SAARC countries-2019
South Asian countries with their past rigid trends facing lots of challenges to achieve the SDGs, especially reducing inequalities or promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production and meeting the climate change impacts, etc. (Alam, 2020). It was also expected that these countries will not achieve very much in the starting periods.

According to the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) report, with the current progress rate, the South Asian countries will miss out on most of the goals of SDGs. The key for South Asia is to address the constraints imposed by inequalities of income, power, access to services, and citizen’s entitlements, which affect all SDGs in these countries (Alam, 2020).
Among the South Asian Countries, Maldives seems to achieve more success in achieving the goals but most of the countries show stagnation or no progress in several SDGs. It is important for South Asian countries to at least identify right direction and then gather the required pace towards meeting the SDGs. Otherwise it will be very upsetting for us.
SDGs Achievement Bangladesh and Japan-2019
RANK 116

Bangladesh has shown remarkable growth in Goal-1: No poverty, Goal-8 Decent work, and Goal-13: Climate action and is on track to achieve the goal by 2030.

Japan is well ahead of Bangladesh to achieve SDGs by 2030. In fact, Japan is the leading Asian country to achieve SDGs and experienced most transformations.
Japan has to concentrate more on reducing inequalities (Goal-10), also in gender equality, Climate action, and life below water.

- ↑ On track to achieve goal by 2030
- ↗ Score moderately increasing, insufficient to attain goal
- → Score stagnating or increasing at less than 50% of required rate
- ↓ Score decreasing
- ••• Trend information unavailable
- Note:
- Green Signs for Bangladesh
- Red signs are for Japan
Author: Md. Atiqul Islam, Sr. Research Associate (Email: )
Editor: Sujon Ahamed, Head of Market Research
Designed by: Md. Atiqul Islam and Md Obaid Hossain (Research Assistant)
Market Research team, NewVision Solutions Limited