
Survey on case study of SDGs Business in Bangladesh and Bangladesh website management

Country: Bangladesh Contact Person: Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Senior Representative Email: bdoso_rep@jica.go.jp Start date (month/year): August 5th, 2019 Completion date (month/year): February 28th, 2020 Narrative description of Project:  The broad objectives of…

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Survey on case Study of SDGs in Bangladesh and Bangland website management

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Name of Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency Bangladesh Office Contact Person: Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Senior Representative Email: bdoso_rep@jica.go.jp Start date (month/year): October 5th, 2020 Completion…

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Feasibility Study of Automated Mail Processing Centre of Bangladesh Post Office, 2022

Country: Bangladesh Location: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months):  4 Months Name of Client: Bangladesh Post Office (BPO) Contact Person: Md. Saleh Ahmed Director (Planning), Directorate Of Posts, Dhaka Mail: saleh.ahmed@bdpost.gov.bd…

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