
RFP-BD-2021-035: Study on Exploring Student Perspective on Micro-credentials

Country: Bangladesh Name of Client: UNDP Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Start date (month/year): October, 2021  Completion date (month/year): December, 2021 Narrative description of Project: The overall objective of the…

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Postharvest management, processing and marketing of jackfruit

Country: Bangladesh Location within Country: Dhaka, Rajshahi and Chattogram Division Name of Client: Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF) Donor/Funded by: Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF) Contact Person: Shahabuddin Ahmad, Ph.D.; Email: sahmad56@gmail.com Start…

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Survey on case study of SDGs Business in Bangladesh and Bangladesh website management

Country: Bangladesh Contact Person: Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Senior Representative Email: bdoso_rep@jica.go.jp Start date (month/year): August 5th, 2019 Completion date (month/year): February 28th, 2020 Narrative description of Project:  The broad objectives of…

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Assessment of sustainability and targeting of DFID’s Water and Sanitation Portfolio, 2011-2015

Country: Bangladesh Name of Client: IMC WORLDWIDE LIMITED Start date (month/year): October 01. 2020 Completion date (month/year): November 27, 2020 Narrative description of Project: The purpose of this assessment was…

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Maritime industry in Bangladesh, response to economic growth and change of infrastructure of maritime industry in Bangladesh

Country: Bangladesh Name of Client:  JETRO Singapore Start date (month/year): June 30, 2020 Completion date (month/year): January 31, 2021 Narrative description of Project: The project was undertaken to identify economic…

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Survey on case Study of SDGs in Bangladesh and Bangland website management

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Name of Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency Bangladesh Office Contact Person: Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Senior Representative Email: bdoso_rep@jica.go.jp Start date (month/year): October 5th, 2020 Completion…

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JERTO SME Platform Co-ordination

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Name of Client: JETRO Bangladesh Contact Person: Yuji Ando Email: yuji_ando@jetro.go.jp Start date (month/year): March 30th, 2014 Completion date (month/year): March 30th, 2021 Narrative…

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Study on Gathering Information about Water Selling at Teota Union, Manikganj

Country: Bangladesh Location within Country: Manikganj Duration of assignment (months):  15 Days Name of Client: JDC Corporation Contact Person: Mr. Masaaki Kusano, Senior Managing Executive Officer CTO Mail: masaaki.kusano@n-kokudo.co.jp Start…

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Market Research on Medical Equipment/ Device

Country: Bangladesh Duration of assignment (months): 4 months Name of Client: JICA and Bangladesh Investment Development Authority, BIDA Contact Person: Taro TSUBOGO, Group Leader of the Component-1 Mail: tsubogo-tr@k-rc.co.jp Dhaka…

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Willingness to pay study for FSM services in three cities in Bangladesh under DGIS project (Ref No – SNV/BD/DGIS/CA_02/2021)

Country: Bangladesh Duration of assignment (months): 4 Months Name of Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (Bangladesh Office) Contact Person: Dr. Susan Jane Ellis, Country Director Mail: sellis@snv.org Start date (month/year):…

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