Country: Bangladesh

Location within Country: Manikganj

Duration of assignment (months):  15 Days
Name of Client: JDC Corporation

Contact Person: Mr. Masaaki Kusano, Senior Managing Executive Officer CTO


Start date (month/year): 15th March 2021

Completion date (month/year): 31st March 2021

Narrative description of Project:

The objective of the project is to identify whether people of the teota union will purchase Japani water and what should their willingness to pay for 1-liter water. The study also carried out that to identify the socio-economic situation of the households, understand the current water consumption practice of the households, identify the probable consumer groups in the union, identify the appropriate water distribution channels, and to identify the willingness to pay according to the distribution process.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

Collected the feedback from consumers on the actual service and price. Consumers’ inputs was collected through F2F, Focus groups discussion, appointment of a consumer representative to the regulatory agency board, or consumers’ associations :

  • To identify the socio-economic situation of the households.
  • To understand the current water consumption practice of the households.
  • To identify the probable consumer groups in the union
  • To identify the appropriate water distribution channels 
  • To identify the willingness to pay according to the distribution process
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