Country: Bangladesh Duration of assignment (months): 4 Months
Name of Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (Bangladesh Office)
Contact Person: Dr. Susan Jane Ellis, Country Director


Start date (month/year): 10th August 2021

Completion date (month/year): 15 December 2021

Narrative description of Project:

The assignment aims to understand the reasons and triggers for willingness to pay for faecal sludge management services, mainly focusing on safe containment construction and renovation, and safe emptying and transportation services.

The intended outcome from the wiliness to pay study is that the findings will be used to develop/revise the tariff setting and define fees for a sustainable business model based on different market segments and design behaviour change communication strategies and campaigns to sensitise and increase demand for services in the 3 working cities.

The specific objectives of the assignment are to:

  • Define priority expenses list of all market segment and all wealth quintiles.
  • Understand the willingness to pay of residential and non-residential tenants, owners or managers for safe and regular emptying and transportation services. 
  • Understand the willingness to pay of residential and non-residential tenants, owners or managers for construction and upgradation of safe septic tanks and maintenance (CAPEX and OPEX).
Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

The willingness to pay study aims to understand customers behaviours on FSM investments, services and budging priority. For this purpose, the consultants will apply different techniques and tools (semi-structured interviews, FGD, KII) in the 3 cities (4 study areas) that may help to better understandings on the following:

  • The reasons, barriers or triggers that enable willingness to pay for the FSM services
  • The priority rank/level of FSM/sanitation services and facilities, compared to their other living needs
  • Customers willingness to pay for safe containment facilities and FSM services
  • The payment mechanism and schemes to facilitate more access and demand for FSM services
  • Additional/unexpected costs that customer has to pay during FSM services
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