Country: Bangladesh

Location within Country: Dhaka, Rajshahi and Chattogram Division

Name of Client: Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF)

Donor/Funded by: Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF)

Contact Person: Shahabuddin Ahmad, Ph.D.; Email: sahmad56@gmail.com
Start date (month/year): May 2019

Completion date (month/year): January 2022

Narrative description of Project:

The primary objective of this research is to reduce post-harvest losses while improving supply chain efficiency and promote value-added products of Jackfruit in Bangladeshi food market through research and development of value-added products, creating market demand of new products, and capacity building of growers and market intermediates. This research will also focus on developing a commercial business model to support growers and supply issues ranging from marketing and value-added jackfruit product, to storage and transportation as well as management of the products to ensure a more profitable industry. The outcome of the project will be to disseminate technologies to the agro-processing companies to support and encourage for investing to commercialize the products.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

NewVision Solutions Limited (NVSL) as an expert of market research and as a partner of this project is responsible for the followings:

  • Analyzing domestic market demand and export potential of fresh and processed jackfruit products.
  • Value chain analysis and development of supply chain model for fresh and processed jackfruit product. 
  • Creating a market demand for value-added products through promotional activities and campaigns. 
  • Development of a sustainable grower business model and strategic marketing plan for both fresh and processed jackfruit products.
Link to the Project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bvFWOljSP6G7GEKAuIywNq3K7psXKeCW/view