Country: Bangladesh

Location within Country: 

Duration of assignment (months): 3 months (approximately)
Name of Client: Sumitomo Corporation
Start date (month/year): January 10, 2019

Completion date (month/year): March 16, 2019

Narrative description of Project: The objective of the project was to carry out a detailed market research on the fertilizer market of Bangladesh. An especial emphasis was given to NPKS (Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium-sulfur) compound fertilizer.
Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:  

The consultant provided below mentioned answers to the client: 

  • The current market size of fertilizer in Bangladesh?
  • The demand of specific fertilizers, areas of harvesting, and main crops in Bangladesh?
  • Government support to (Subsidy, registration for production, import, and sales) this sector?
  • The distribution system (From producer/importer to farmer) of fertilizer?
  • The competitive situations among importers, producers, dealers, and retailers?
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