Country: Bangladesh

Location within Country: Cox’s Bazar

Duration of assignment (months): 3 Months approximately 
Name of Client: NGO Forum of Public Health
Start date (month/year): March, 2019

Completion date (month/year):  Jun, 2019

Narrative description of Project: The major objective of the study was to assess the FSM interventions by NGO Forum from the beginning of the Rohingya response and to coming up with evidence-based recommendations for improvement of the FSM interventions in the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar.
Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:  The consultation firm provided expertise and technical support for the assignment consultancy services for review and design of production well and mid-scale chlorinated water network. Developed design of production well and mid-scale chlorinated water network according to the WASH sector standard (Master Plan) and provided a detail description of component as well;

Prepared design and made drawing of mid-scale chlorinated water network of the selected camp areas. 

Designed water distribution system including physical features map, digital elevation model, pipe trenching, laying pressure testing, access for cleaning/repair, pumping, power supply, water quality monitoring, and fire-fighting capacity, household/communal water points, household collection and storage capacity following the sector standards with detailed engineering drawing for the production well and water distribution network including indication of ground level, diameter of pipes, longitudinal section general components and critical components with all the design calculation etc. as per the submitted approved proposal, instruction and guideline mentioned in the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the assignment. 

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