Assignment name: Study on the Bangladesh Higher Education Sub-sector to explore potential JICA project
Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 5 Months approximately 
Name of Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency Bangladesh Office

Contact Person: Alimul Hasan 

Email: alimul.hasan18@gmail.com

Start date (month/year): July 14, 2019 

Completion date (month/year): December 7, 2019

Narrative description of Project:

This study explored the possible areas where JICA could effectively contribute to higher education in Bangladesh. The objective of the study was to conduct a situation and need analysis of higher education sub-sector in Bangladesh to identify potential support areas and projects of JICA

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

Specific questions answered through the project were: 

1. The present status of higher education sub-sector of Bangladesh?
2. The existing needs and challenges of this sector?
3. How different stakeholders of higher education sub-sector of Bangladesh are prioritizing development initiatives for this sector?
4. The existing needs and challenges in relation to JICA support and priority?
5. In what different ways JICA can play an effective role to develop higher education system?

Link to the Project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15QsrRbkPyDv7AK6MBc36d-udxfJMjyTD/view