
Market Report of “Computer Based Testing system in Bangladesh”

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 1.5 Months Name of Client: KJS Company, Ltd. Contact Person: Tsugunobu. Ogino, Representative Director and President Mail: t-ogino@e-kjs.jp Start date…

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Assessment of Online Pedagogy in Bangladesh

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 1 Month Name of Client: Marubeni Corporation Start date (month/year): January 2022 Completion date (month/year): February 2022 Narrative description of…

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Study on the Bangladesh Higher Education Sub-sector to explore potential JICA project

Assignment name: Study on the Bangladesh Higher Education Sub-sector to explore potential JICA project Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 5 Months approximately  Name of Client:…

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RFP-BD-2021-035: Study on Exploring Student Perspective on Micro-credentials

Country: Bangladesh Name of Client: UNDP Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Start date (month/year): October, 2021  Completion date (month/year): December, 2021 Narrative description of Project: The overall objective of the…

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