Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Patuakhali & Barguna

Duration of assignment (months): 2 Months approximately 
Name of Client: Max Foundation, Bangladesh Country Office

Contact Person: Mohammad Irfan, Program Manager


Start date (month/year): December 2020

Completion date (month/year): January 2021

Narrative description of Project:

Max TapWater is a service for piped water supply by Max Social Enterprise, offered to poor and middle-income families living in Bangladesh. Their mission is to provide safe water to all, linked to Max Foundation’s mission to save as many children’s lives as possible most effectively and sustainably. Access to clean drinking water significantly reduces the spread of diseases like Cholera, causing many deaths, especially among children below five years.

The main purpose of the study is to better understand households’ willingness-to-pay for delivery of safe, running water at home, and to check how this compares to the current tariff. 

The specific objectives of the study are:

  • Understand the willingness-to-pay bandwidths for domestic piped water supply services;
  • Understand the ability-to-pay for domestic piped water supply services;
  • Compare willingness-to-pay findings with the proposed tariff structure and competitive market data;
  • Recommend measures for introducing the paid water supply services in the domestic market; and

Understanding the social potential of future water tariffs.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

  • Market Research 
  • Conduct Willingness to pay survey
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Service Chain Analysis
  • Business Model Analysis
  • Financial Model Analysis
  • Proposition of Tariff 
  • Facilitation of Workshop
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