Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Name of Client: JETRO Bangladesh
Contact Person: Yuji Ando


Start date (month/year): March 30th, 2014

Completion date (month/year): March 30th, 2021

Narrative description of Project:

JETRO’s activities in Bangladesh are specially designed to assist potential Bangladeshi entrepreneurs (mostly those of SMEs) to export to Japan as well as to promote industrial & technical co-operation and to attract Japanese investment in Bangladesh.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

NVSL has been working as an authorized consultant and SME platform coordinator of JETRO Bangladesh to support day to day activity of JETRO.

The scope of work under SME platform are:

  1. Finding out potential SMEs from all over the country and providing support to ensure growth, access to financial, technology support etc.
  2. Research on SMEs of different sectors and prepare report.
  3. Facilitating Japan and Bangladesh SME business relationship. 
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