Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Duration of assignment (months): 12 Months
Name of Client: Japan Bank for International Cooperation (the Representative Office registered in Singapore)
Start date (month/year): 3rd May, 2021

Completion date (month/year): 3rd May, 2022

Narrative description of Project:

To advise and support JBIC for pipeline and existing projects and political situation in Bangladesh. The provided service includes; (1) to gather political and economic news and deliver news clip, (2) to support JBIC to get appointments with government officials and private sector officials, (3) to support JBIC on pipeline projects and existing projects, (4) to support JBIC with business trips to Bangladesh, (5) to provide translation and interpretation service, and other services upon request by JBIC.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:

The subject of services is as listed below;

  1. To gather political and economic news and  deliver news clip
    • Gather political and economic news on local media and deliver weekly news clip to JBIC via email.
  2. Follow up on emails sent by JBIC staffs intended to get appointments with Bengali counterpart such as government high officials including Ministers and SOE CX0s through follow up emails and phone calls in Bengali.

Get appointments with Bengali counterpart as requested by JBIC staffs.

To connect JBIC with Bengali high officials from the government, SOEs, and private sectors when requested by JBIC.

  1. To support JBIC on pipeline projects and existing projects

Keep contact with potential and existing borrowers (and/or any other related entities such as guarantors) whom JBIC have spoken to and follow up on their consideration on proposal by JBIC.

Attend meetings (both onsite and online) with JBIC staffs when requested.

Support JBIC to receive necessary documents including legal documents, documents related to environment assessment and loan agreement from Bengali counterparts regarding pipeline projects and existing projects through follow up emails and phone calls in Bengali. 

  1. Gather safety information on Bangladesh before and during business trips to secure safety of JBIC staffs.

To give directions in Bengali to drivers to reach destination in time.

Find suitable restaurants for business lunch/dinner and make reservations.

Accompany JBIC staffs to project sites for occasions such as environmental assessment.

  1.  To provide translation and interpretation service

Attend meetings (both onsite and online) with JBIC staffs as a Bengali to English interpreter.

To make a rough English translation of Bengali documents (e.g. Power Development Plan).

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