Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Mymensingh and Rangpur Division

Duration of assignment (months): 4 Months 
Name of Client: The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Contact Person: Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Senior Representative


Start date (month/year): October, 2021 

Completion date (month/year): December, 2021

Narrative description of Project:

The aim of SHEP is to make a sustainable environment for horticulture farmers so that without any external support they can operate in the market through the following activities:

1) Marker surveys by farmers themselves, 2) establishing business linkages between farmers and business service providers, and 3) promoting gender equality with a clear purpose of strengthening farming couples’ relationships as partners for farm management, these three unique characteristics made this approach a successful one.

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm: 

The study followed a descriptive research approach to identify the current situation of the stakeholders, target areas, agriculture sector, agro-value chains, and donor projects related to smallholder horticulture farming. The study team gathered facts regarding the issues based on pre-determined criteria and demonstrated relationships among stakeholders. The consultants developed the questionnaire, conducted training on the questionnaire, provided feedback on the questionnaire, conducted primary data survey in Dhaka, Mymensigh, Rajshahi and Rangpur Division, including data entry and processing, and validated the collected data with the client.

This study has also conducted a secondary data survey based on extensive literature reviews, in-depth interviews, and a questionnaire survey. The client’s detailed scope of work and criteria have been shared, which the consultant will follow during data collection. This understanding would be used to explain other specific problems.

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