Country: Bangladesh

Location Within Country: Countrywide

Name of Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency Bangladesh Office
Contact Person: Yasuhiro Kawazoe, Senior Representative


Start date (month/year): October 5th, 2020

Completion date (month/year): February 25th, 2021

Narrative description of Project:

To provide JICA Bangladesh Office with the 8 reports out of SDGs 1 to 17 with case studies and to provide JICA Bangladesh Office necessary ICT support in order to maintain “Bangland” website. []

Description of technical specialization provided by the firm:  

For Objective (1)

  1. All the work can be done either in English or in Japanese. To develop research plan on each SDG report (SDGs No. 3, 4,6,8,9,12,13,15 out of 17 SDGs) and obtain approval from JICA Bangladesh Office. Not limited but, at least each report should be taken the following points in to account.
  1. Each report should contain:
  1. Brief picture of each SDG with global perspective
  2. Current situation and challenges in relation it each SDG in Bangladesh
  3. Reporting of 1(One) good example as case studies of SDGs business, which address to each SDG in Bangladesh (Totally 8 examples of SDG No. 3, 4,6,8,9,12,13,15 out of 17 SDGs). Describe
  • What is their business model?
  • To which SDGs they approach
  • How they approach… etc. 
  1. Conclusion with key messages to viewers (Japanese Companies)
  2. The current SDG 1 report in the Bangland website can be regarded as a reference. 
  1. Besides each example aforementioned A-c), necessary to provide brief information sheet (separately with each report) with following information of each company (8 in total).
  1. Institutional Profile: History, Number of Staffs, Branches & Factories etc. 
  2. Business Performance: Sales, profit, financial situation etc.
  3. Business Model:
  • Customer segments
  • Value proposition (what kind of values the company provides to their customers)
  • Channels
  • Customer relationship
  • Revenue streams
  • Key resources
  • Key activities
  • Key partners
  • Cost structure
  1. To conduct the research based on the above plan.
  2. To make a report of 8 SDG report and & information sheets of 8 companies, then submit to JICA Bangladesh Office

For Objective (2)

  1. To translate the draft contents prepared by JICA Bangladesh Office in to HTML style. The contents are basically written in Japanese, so it should be necessary to review the HTML page (how they look like in real web-page), then deliver to JICA Bangladesh office. The contents include 8 SDGs reports, which are finalized and described in Japanese by JICA Bangladesh Office based on the deliverable of the Objective (1).
  2.  The consultant is expected to convert the draft data into HTML, style and provide it to JICA Bangladesh Office, within 10 days. The order is expected to be made in bi-monthly basis. The volume of planned contents is approximately 50 pages of A4 size of word files per order.
  3. To provide necessary work for website management
  4. The consultant is expected to deal with some bugs or security issues based on the direction of JICA Bangladesh Office as necessary. 
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