
Feasibility Study on Logistics Network in the Asian Region Using Offshore Floating Container Terminal (OFCT) Structure

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Dhaka Duration of assignment (months):  2 Months Name of Client: Japan Offshore Design and Engineering Platform Technology & Engineering Research Association (J-DeEP) Contact Person: Mr.…

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Cost Calculation and Tariff Settings Study for Mechanical Emptying Services in Southern Bangladesh (Ref No – SNV/BD/URBSAN/CA_06/2018)

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Southern Region Duration of assignment (months): 4 Months Name of Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (Bangladesh Office) Contact Person: Dr. Susan Jane Ellis, Country Director…

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Trial Pit Survey to Identify Existing Gas Pipeline in Japanese Economic Zone Area.

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Araihajar, Narayangonj Duration of assignment (months): 8 Months Name of Client: Japan Development Institute (JDI) Contact Person: Dr. Shoichi Kobayashi Mail: kobayashi@jditokyo.com Start date (month/year):…

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Market analysis to provide an overview of engine oil industry in Bangladesh such as market size, market demand, market growth, future opportunities

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 2 Months Name of Client: JETRO Contact Person: Yuji Ando Email: yuji_ando@jetro.go.jp Start date (month/year): July 2018 Completion date (month/year):…

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Project for Establishment of Clearing House for Integrating Transport Ticketing System in Dhaka City Area and Adjacent Districts

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 5 Months Name of Client: Dhaka Transportation Coordination Authority   Start date (month/year): November 2018 Completion date (month/year):  November 2020…

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Coordinator STS survey, Market survey, and Business partner survey for Establishment of Efficient and Hygienic waste storage system in Bangladesh

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 29 Months Name of Client: JAPAN CLEAN SYSTEM co., ltd. Contact Person: Masataka YAMANO, Project Team Leader / Managing Director…

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Basic survey on current conditions of Ship Recycling Facilities in Bangladesh and issues to conclude the Convention

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Coastal Area Duration of assignment (months): 1.5 Months Name of Client: Japan Marine Science Inc. (JMS) Contact Person: Yasuo Nakajo, General Manager Mail:  Narrative description…

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Business Model Development, Faecal Sludge Management in Saidpur Municipality

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Saidpur, Nilphamari Duration of assignment (months): 2 Months Name of Client: SKS Foundation Contact Person: Md. Saiful Alam Email: sksgaibandba@tistaonline.coni Start date (month/year): 11 September…

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Initial Technical Survey & Impact Assessment of Access Route for MOFEZ at Mirsharai, Chittagong.

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Mirsharai, Chattogram Duration of assignment (months): 3 Months Name of Client: Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) Contact Person: Dr. Shoichi Kobayashi Mail: kobayashi@jditokyo.com Start date…

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Market Report of “Computer Based Testing system in Bangladesh”

Country: Bangladesh Location Within Country: Countrywide Duration of assignment (months): 1.5 Months Name of Client: KJS Company, Ltd. Contact Person: Tsugunobu. Ogino, Representative Director and President Mail: t-ogino@e-kjs.jp Start date…

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